Logo for the Woman-Owned Directory in shades of light pink and dark pink.
discover woman-owned businesses

woman-owned directory

Welcome to our comprehensive Woman-Owned Directory where you'll find amazing woman-owned businesses local to Louisville, KY and across the country!

Beauty + Self-Care Directory

Brick + Mortar Directory

E-Commerce Shop Directory

Experience + Activity Directory

Food + Drink Directory

Service Provider Directory

we want to help you grow your business

become part of the directory

Want to add your business to our Woman-Owned Directory?

You'll have the opportunity to expand your brand's reach by getting added to our Woman-Owned Directory!

step 1: purchase your listing

The WOW Directory has become a go to for our audience when they want to explore new business or find a woman-owned business to hire! WOW and our audience are determined to put money in the wallets of women!

step 2: complete your listing

After you purchase the WOW Directory Listing, come back to this page to complete the Woman-Owned Directory application. Once you submit the application, we'll review it and add your business to our directory!