butterflies + halos

stationery products that speak HOPE into the grieving heart.

about us
Butterflies and Halos offers greeting cards aiming to change the narrative around grief. These cards are intended to support people who are grieving and to help friends show up for their grieving friends. Each card speaks hope into the grieving heart and helps the receiver actually feel their feelings. The cards all have amazing words that Angie has created or has heard while experiencing her own grief, as a grieving loss mom, a widow, and a grieving sibling. They are all blank inside so you don’t have to do the guessing of what to say; You can simply sign the card inside with and “I love you" or “Thinking of You”. The company was founded by Angie Hanson in 2022.
Our mission is to change the narrative around grief and help friends show up for their own friends & families. Together we can work to change the narrative around grief and take the stigma and uncomfortableness out of the grief community. We can't fix a grieving heart, but we can show up with love & hope.
who we serve
Our products are for anyone who wants to share hope and show up in their friendship or within their family. -Anyone who loves pen to paper and trying to get out of the "texting" world and giving authentic, meaningful gifts.
our products
- greeting cards
- notepads
- vinyl stickers
how to shop with us
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